Saturday, April 26, 2014

Project # 7 - Summer Fun

Do you remember the fun of waking up in the summer as a kid?

No school. Riding bikes. Playing ball. Jump rope rhymes.  Sidewalk chalk games.

Our goal for Project #7 is to help The Urban Erie Community Development Corp (UECDC) provide a summer filled with these memories to the children who attend their summer programs.

UECDC provides free quality educational and employment programs which include English as a Second Language and G.E.D. classes, workforce development training, and an after-school program for area kids. The majority of those they serve are immigrants and refugees, those who are struggling with low income and finding their way in a new country.

A little bit from the UECDC website:

"At the UECDC we believe that providing a quality education and opportunities for employment are some of the most effective ways to combat poverty and crime within the Erie community. 

We like to refer to our after-school program as our "mini United Nations." With students represented from Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Eritrea, the Congo, Liberia, Tanzania, Kenya, and Bhutan, it is easily the most diverse after-school program in Erie. Our center attracts between 70-90 students on a daily basis for after-school programming..."  

We would like to replenish the summer equipment that is used by the kids in the summer programs.  They are in need of EVERYTHING.  We would love to provide bikes (how many of us have outgrown and unused ones in our garages?), balls for every sport, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, and bubbles. 

We will announce collection dates in the next week or so. We would love second hand bikes, but ask for all the other equipment to be new. 

Katie Morton, our contact at UECDC, is very excited for our help to make the summer great for their kids. We are, too!