Friday, February 22, 2013

Announcing Project 4!

Do your children have books that they love to hear over and over?  Have they ever gotten lost in a story?  Do you have warm memories of reading to your children, and of them starting to read books themselves?

The goal of our next project is to help provide all of those things to families living at The Refuge, a local shelter that provides a safe place to stay for families in need.  

Missy, who is in charge of the youth programs at The Refuge, has been wanting to start a reading program for the kids she works with there.  However, she has some difficulties getting the kids interested and quickly realized the problem.

Most of the books that Missy has available to her are terribly outdated and completely uninteresting to the kids. The stories and illustrations are not captivating to the youngest children. The selection of chapter books and young adult books is even more limited, to say the least.

Let's work together to give the kids staying at The Refuge some great stories to get lost in. Let's help the parents staying their with their children have some quality books to read to their kids at night.  

We will keep you posted about collection locations and drop off dates in the coming days, but for the moment, see what you can start to gather up.  

Get excited to share the love of a good story with kids and young adults who really need it!