Sunday, October 28, 2012

Boo Running!


Actually, this is only part of the team.  By race time we were about 20 strong. (AWESOMENESS!!!!)  The non-stop rain made it a little tricky to get pictures.  That's right.  Non-stop rain.  We were all cold and wet and happy at the end of the race. 

How fantastic is it to be wth a group of people who believe in a cause and will brave the elements to support it?

How can you feel anything but great when you know you have done something to help others?

Thank you ALL for coming out to the peninsula with us to take part in Safenet's Boo Run.  Thank you to those of you who made donations directly to Safenet.  You are amazing!

Who knew Frankenstein could be so adorable? 
Amy and Ellie.

 Melissa and Annabelle modelling the race shirts after warming up.

And a close up of the logo.

Thank you all for supporting Safenet and Project 2!
YOU are making a difference!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Domestic abuse is......

Domestic abuse is scary.  It is not knowing what the next day or sometimes the next moment brings.  It is feeling ashamed.  It is lying to cover for the person you love, no matter how they are treating you.  It is not feeling worth it.  It is feeling that no one  understands.  It is losing friends, family, and others that you love because they can not understand or you are just to afraid to open up to them.  It is driving home and feeling sick to your stomach because you are not sure what waits for you.  It is feeling so lonely all the time.  It is almost losing your job due to call offs because the night before you were having your head slammed into the floor.  It is being spit in the face.  It is being told that you  are nothing.  It is covering your arms so no one can see the bruises.  It is making excuses to not go places because of the bruises.  It is taking so much blame on yourself that you are convinced you deserve it.
It is.....sad
It is....desparate
It is..... hard to leave.  That does not make sense to some, but it really is hard to leave.  It is making plans to be safe and still not being sure you will be safe.  It is facing the fact that the person you trusted with your life and your heart is the one that is hurting you the  most.  It is taking months, years, or even decades to undo the damage.  It is thinking you are doing just fine and then being slapped in the face with a memory that brings you to tears.  If is feeling like you have no voice, no control, and no choice.

Please come out and support SafeNet next weekend at the Boo Run Run.  Help them continue to protect, councel, and rebuild these women.

Register here: