Saturday, July 14, 2012

Supply List Update

Our contact, Mary, at Community Shelter Services has given us an updated list of the things their children need to start the school year.  Check off a few items the next time you go shopping.

3 ring binders ~1 to 1 1/2 inches
glue sticks
facial tissue
two pocket folders
spiral notebooks
colored pencils
plastic pencil cases
loose leaf notebook paper
packaged notebook dividers
Trapper Keepers
black Sharpie markers
pencil sharpeners
small sticky notes
lined notecards
colored markers ~ thin or wide

We were also told that school clothes items are also needed, if you can pick up any of these items, they would be appreciated.

any size child/teen/adult white or navy polo shirts.
any size child/teen/adult khaki, navy, or black uniform pants.
white socks
new 3-6 pack underwear.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So Exciting!

We have received the first donation of school supplies.  YAY!

Thank you, Michelle, for getting the ball rolling!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Project 1 is Here!

Heading back to school is an exciting event for most children.  Getting to see friends that have been missed all summer, loved activities and sports, and even all those brand new school supplies can be so much fun and something to look forward to as a child.
As a parent, you sigh when you think about what your children need to start the school year. There are backpacks, notebooks, pencils and lots more to buy. But we do it, because we know those are the tools that children need to learn.
What if your budget didn’t have room for your bills, let alone school supplies?  What if your child had to go to school without them, or had to attempt to do her homework without them? How would that affect his ability to learn, to study, to succeed?
There are far too many children in our area in this exact position.
We can do something about it.
Project 1 for Soul Purpose is to support the Back to School Program of Community Shelter Services.  They are in need of school supplies to help the 100s of area children start the school year in the best way possible.
Purchase some extra items from the list the below when you shop for your own children. Get them to us (more info on how to do that is coming). We will deliver every item to Community Shelter Services, who will get them into the grateful hands of the children who need them most.
Then feel awesome, because your act of kindness will change the outlook of a child’s school year.
Backpacks, pencils, notebooks, folders, 3 ring binders, crayons, markers, highlighters, scissors, glue bottles, glue sticks, loose leaf paper, erasers, pencil cases, and calculators.

Intro Post

We are just two girls that felt it was about time to look outside ourselves. Our concept is simple, find a need in the Erie community and invite all of you to help us fill it. Our first project will be coming soon. Make sure to follow us here, "like" us on facebook and join us on our mission.